our services


Basic Plan

Practice: 4hrs/day + Training + English Lessons+Visit University
☆Tournaments on the weekend

From $80/a day
+ A Tournament Fee : $400


Which university is your dream school?

We will help you to find a right university for you based on your tennis and academic levels

Close-up of Scrabble tiles forming words related to education and school.

Online English Lessons

We will provide Online English lessons to people who want to improve English to succeed in TOEFL/Duolingo test and School exams Or just to have fun talking with us in English!

Let’s Start Studying English with US!

A Day in A Life as a Player (Basic plan)

7 am: Wake up
7:30 am: Running and Yoga
8:15 am: Breakfast
9:30 am – 11:30am: Practice
12 pm -1:30 pm : Lunch Break
1:30pm -3:30pm : Practice, Training, and Stretch
4 pm – 5:30 pm : English Lessons and Tennis Studies
6:30 pm: Dinner
7 pm – 10 pm: Free time and Sleep

What is Tennis Studies?
We believe studying tennis is one of the best ways to improve your tennis and win more matches based on our experiences. For example, watching your match video is a great way to know what are your strengths and weakness and how you can make them better. Also, watching full matches of pro players is another way to learn tennis.

D1 Tennis Experience

American Tennis

English + Homestay

Dedicated Support